Tuesday, February 06, 2007

praise the lord and pass the ammunition...

Good news, people. Three weeks of counselling and (drum roll please...) HE'S STRAIGHT!! Will miracles ever cease? The good news needs to be spread far and wide. Cancel the "Marriage Amendment" legislation! Once the gay and lesbian community hears it only takes 21 days to convert, we won't need to worry about them expecting equal rights anymore!

Here's what I've always wondered... I hear over and over again about these faith-based centers focused specifically on "curing" gay and lesbian individuals from their SSAD afflictions. What I haven't seen, however, are the conversion camps that heterosexuals are apparently being forced in to as a means to account for our 10% of the population who are required to be gay. Where else would gay folk come from? We must be teaching it somewhere. If homosexuality can be cured, it must therefore also be able to be created... right? What would the only other option be? They're born that way?? As if.


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