Tuesday, May 30, 2006

don't mess with the bull, young man... you'll get the horns.

Paul Gleason died yesterday at 67 from mesothelioma, a rare form of lung cancer caused by asbestos. He was better known to Gen X'ers as Principal Vernon, the Barry-Manilow-dressing sadist who gave out Saturday detentions in suburban Shermer, Illinois. "The Breakfast Club" defined my generation... the joy, the pain, the heartache. It was all there. It let you know you weren't so crazy after all.

Nothing funny or amusing today. Just watch the Breakfast Club... soon. Even if you've seen it before--it's worth re-watching. As a matter of fact, that's what I'm going to go do right now.

You have exactly eight hours and fifty-four minutes to think about why you're here. You may not talk, you will not move from these seats. Any questions?

(Originally posted on my 360: Tuesday May 30, 2006 - 11:17pm EDT)


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